Multimedia localization is an industry within itself, requiring specialization, experience, and equipment that Metro Audio/Video can provide.
Metro Audio & Video Multimedia – Now A Part of GALA!
We revolutionize how corporations like you extend your global reach

Metro Audio and Video – the Newest Member of GALA.
Keeping in line with the reputation GALA has earned as the world’s most widely respected and largest association for the language industry, we at Metro Audio/Video are excited to not only be a part of GALA, but to be able to provide this community with a specialized service that’s demand continues to increase: multimedia localization.
Members of GALA understand the enormous wealth of resources provided to them through this community:
- Exposure to multilingual vendors and potential partners
- Networking at conferences, regional events and through GALA Connect
- Access to webinars, new technologies and other resources
GALA is Focused on Global Markets.
Since its inception, GALA has remained the most effective association for our industry because it continues to look toward the future, in order to help its members today. Speaking to a global market – in today’s world – requires reaching an audience through a variety of means, including video, online content, graphics, audio recordings and more. Focusing on multimedia localization will help the GALA community continue to fill the role as innovative leaders of their industry. As the pioneers of this field, Metro Audio/Video can help.
Multimedia Localization Solves The Global Marketshare Problem.
As one of the first multimedia companies to focus attention on localization, we’ve become leaders of the field, using cutting-edge technology and a team of translators and engineers to offer professional-quality recordings to our clients looking to …
… Localize in areas such as:
Localization – As A Tool – Is Changing
Global companies looking to grow and remain competitive in their industry have always required ongoing translation support. But in the 21st century, their needs have now expanded into the multimedia market. At Metro Audio/Video, we are professionals in the specialized industry of multimedia localization and production, and can provide this community of global leaders with the support needed to remain at the forefront of their market.
We Joined GALA To Help and Learn From You.
The premise of GALA is to help its members become leaders in their industry, which is exactly why we joined GALA . We offer this community the opportunity to extend their global reach by not only embracing the shift our industry is taking toward multimedia, but by helping you provide a quality of localization you simply cannot find elsewhere.
It Takes The Right Technology.
Our state-of-the-art production company, staffed by highly trained engineers, is outfitted with the latest equipment, technologies, and software, including:
- Pro Tools
- Final Cut Pro
- After Effects
- Flash
- And more….
It Takes The Right Team.
But it takes more than technology to provide the level of quality you expect for your localization needs.
As the pioneers of multimedia localization, we unite technology with translation.
All of our projects are overseen and edited by our linguistic team and engineers. This ensures you not only receive an accurate translation for your project, but you receive it packaged in a pristine recording.
We Revolutionize Your Reach.
So, to leave you GALA members with one concept to take away – we can revolutionize your reach with multimedia you can be proud of!